Location- Hours- Contact Us

Location: 434 Farm Lane, Bessey Hall Room B10, East Lansing, MI 48824 (Google map)

Hours: Monday: 10am-6pm; Tuesday - Friday, 10am-5pm (closed for university holidays)

Contact us: 517-432-3400 / [email protected]


Thankfully we've got the best bike parking available right outside our shop and bikes are always welcome inside so please bring it on in when you visit!  Unfortunately we don't have a very convenient parking for motor vehicles, so if you do come by motor vehicle the Bessey Hall loading dock area (on the west-facing side of the building) can be used for up to 10 minutes for quick drop-offs and pick-ups. Anything over 10 minutes is a violation of the MSU Ordinance

Again, only the loading zone area may be used (don't block the dock or dumpster); other parking spaces within the lot cannot be used.  For longer visits the closest visitor parking meters are in the parking area on the loop in front of the Administration Building and on the east side of Erickson Hall.  More information about visitor car parking on campus is here.  Call us at 517-432-3400 if you're confused or need more help.